Design for disaster


BACKGROUND : sishuan(China) earthquake,2008

On the 12th of May in 2008, Sichuan suffered from the 8 richer scale earthquake, which leads to more than 100 thousand people to death. This disaster occurred in the local time 2.28pm and the center is in Wen-chuan, a small town in Sichuan Province. In the statement of the State Council Information Office (September, 2008), the total death toll is 69,227 people and the total missing is over 18,000. Besides, numerous were hospitalized from injury.

Fatalities reported by the Chinese News Agency as a function of time after the Wenchuan (M8) earthquakes (squares). The sum of the fatalities and the missing (triangles) have to be considered the total number of fatalities. As can be seen in this chat, the Fatalities reported by the Chinese News Agency Has direct proportion with the time. Therefore , the earlier to provide the rescue the more people will have the chance to be saved.


There are few reasons about why to design this combination of trolley and stretcher:

The earthquake ruined the roads. As a result, there is no way for cars to carry the equipment to the quake zone directly. Therefore, even though China has a large amount of rescue teams and military, it still costs time for them to bring the large and heavy equipments to the quake zone by hand. Therefore, this design provides an easy way for carrying the equipments.

After the disaster, the time for rescue is quite urgent. Therefore, this design will to some extend increase the efficiency of the security. It is because that this design will offer multi-function. It will decrease both the time to carry the equipments and time to transfer the wounded.

My solution is a combination of the stretcher and trolley. The structure of stretcher is strong enough. It can hold more than 200kg by weight. Based on this structure, I designed this trolley which can carry more rescue equipments, such as cut-off machine, to the quake zone. Once the victim taking out from the collapse of ruined buildings, they can be transport to the hospital by using the stretcher directly.

In addition, with respect to the size the design, according to the book: BODYSPACE (P258, 2006), the average height of the Chinese in around 1617.5 mm. Therefore, this designed stretcher that has 2000mm long will be suitable for the most people in China. Beside, the width is 550mm. Furthermore, when calculating the height of the handle, this design also base on this data in BODYSPACE. The average elbow height for the Chinese is about 940mm. However, in practice, most of the rescue staffs are male. Therefore, the height of the handle will be increased by 45mm to 985mm. Moreover, the maximum grip diameter, according to the BODYSPACE (p144 ,2006), is between 48mm (women) and 52mm (men). Therefore, in this design, the dimension is made to 50mm. Besides, the designed stretcher has a sight slope from each side of the stretcher to the center. It will help the wounded to prevent extra injury from moving.

With respect to the cushion, it locates on the stretcher surface. When carrying the equipments, the lower part (the longer part) of the cushion will be not unfolded. It will keep touching the vertical one to keep it clean. However, when transferring the wounded, the stretcher will be unfold to make the wounded comfortable. With regards to the joint, it belongs to the push button activation. It will hold about 226.8kg by weight. In addition this technology use 5:1 safety factor, therefore the maximum weight, this joint could stand is 226.8 x 5= 1134kg. Moreover, this joint also includes adjustable racks, foldable handles, adjustable racks….

Additionally, the material used by the designed stretcher is Poly Ethylene. The reason could be attributed to its high tolerance as well as its cheap price. Besides, the method of this manufacture is rotational modeling, which is relatively convenient. Therefore, this material will be affordable to peoples in China.
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